воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

carenow plano texas

the nauseous feeling when i get my food is back... So i havent been eating alot... Havenapos;t been feeling good lately... Iapos;ve never hated the feeling that i have right now.... Usually its an enjoyable one... But since iapos;m leaving in a month.... Heapos;s staying here til january... And nothing can really come of this since he lives in georgia and what not.... I just feel sick... God - please if nothing is supposed to come of this ... Then please take the feelings away... I cant even believe they are lurking ... I havent known him that long and i knew i was leaving from the beginning.... This hurts and sucks alot... Please.... I cant even explain how this feels and how much i want it to be a real something or be nothing.... Help.�� xo.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

cheddars restraunt

Right now I am loving the heating pad. Itapos;s awkwardly placed against my back, especially the lover portions of it, as I sit typing in my computer chair (hallelujah Iapos;m able to be on my computer for a few hours now). Itapos;s the only thing that can alleviate this back pain Iapos;m sill having and, for some odd reason, my mom thinks the Advil Iapos;ve been taking is giving me these "fuzzy" headaches I get everyday. She may be right, the headache I had today was no where near as bad as yesterday, but my back hurts. And, yes, I do feel like a wimp, ok?

Except this is soooo heavenly. I even took off my pants so the heat could get to the hurting area quicker and...everything is just melting away under this heat. A new BSG could be playing and I wouldnapos;t care. Itapos;s THAT good. Ugh, sweaty back.

Anyway, thatapos;s been my night. Except Iapos;m feeling better Yay

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aleks site spaces.msn.com

Hello dear HIMsters,

got new information for ticket sales for helldone....

Since i am not able to register at the heartagram board (i have tried for ages and they say that the administrator does not allow any new registrations at the moment...)
I will post the info here, for all of you people that have the same problem as i have:

i really tried SOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard to get tickets for me and my hubby, but the site never worked, and when it did finally, it said this event is fully booked.
I didnapos;t know what to do cause i am/was soooo damn annoyed and sad....i wrote an email to tiketti...and guess what they said...."all the possible cancellations will be on re-sale at Tuesday morning 10 a.m, only on our outlet in Finland. So not on the internet or via phone."

So there is absolutely NO chance for me to get a ticket...I think i dont need to tell you all how sad i am right now....dont know what to do...

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

access point networks

When you meet someone who claims they take "nothing" seriously,
you will eventually find that they do take SOMETHING seriously.
and that something is absolutely downright ridiculous.

this certain line in a song has stuck with me like all last night and all today.
its strange but its lovely.

anywho, tomorrow i have work
my sydney plans have not fallen through,
but i manged to find that out about an hour ago,
so i still spent most of today moping.

about sydney,
and the fact that my shoes were too big,
and they were flats so they kept falling off.

i smell like mathematics and unrequited love,
how exciting.
not that anyone else would understand it.


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control fan speed windows

I. Sleeping Patterns

Today we were too sarcastic. You sat on my bed made paper airplanes, while I laid on the ground tried to get my work done.
"This is just like the handmaidapos;s tale," I kept saying to you. But you didnt respond. You are well read, so you know you should be offended.

I donapos;t warn you that one side of the bed is breaking, even though I want to make a joke about slates from Sweden being cheap. The pillow over the face is not your idea, Iapos;ve been happy this way for a long time

II. Car Problems

Besides this, you and I are fighting in the car. I have my feet on the dash which yuo hate. You say "if we crash and the airbags go off- your legs are going to break." I move my drink from the cup holder, hoping it will spill all over the interior.

I wash my hair once, twice, three times-- a day, everyone smokes so many cigarettes. Iapos;m in the bathroom like Iapos;m nineteen, washing my hands over and over again.

III. Romantic Comedies

You look away, but I know how to handle this, Iapos;ve heard it all before. Sometimes this speech is longer than others, but most of the time, you donapos;t look at me in the face. I cant imagine what it feels like to look in the mirror and smooth down your hair realize that everything anyone ever said about you is true.

Donapos;t laugh, but none of this is permanent. I know you donapos;t believe me, because you never do about these things, but I have two passports now he sent me an Atlas in the mail. We can do whatever we want.

There is nothing tying us down. I am not threatening you, I am threatening myself. Donapos;t laugh, but Iapos;ve been sleeping in other languages. I know youapos;ll be on the road for too long, so I burn a light blue candle. A woman told me-- it must have been years ago that thatapos;s what you do for safe driving.
I use this instead of a night lite, I burn the whole house down.

Donapos;t laugh, but I have all these dreams about everyone dissolving. I line them up in alphabetical order and watch them drown. By last name first. Please fill these forms out- last name, then first. Then tell me how it is connected, how it goes back into your family tree. Tell me about the people who crossed boats for you to be here, tell me what it felt like when they died or starved or desecrated- tell me what it felt like for them, and tell me that they did it for you. Because they did do it for you, so you could be the American Dream, so you could be page fifty-six of that book, so you could be the son of God and The Patron Saint of Seventy Five Words Per Minute. With your last name and your great smile. I guess out of all people, I canapos;t force you to watch politics on TV, I canapos;t explain anymore the difference between the candidates, making motions with their fingers.

Donapos;t laugh, but my last name means the Part in your hair in Italian. I am half Sicilian- everyone will tell you, unless they are American, then they wont distinguish the difference between Boots and Islands. They too will capitalize all the wrong words and exploit me for all the wrong moments of my life. They have pictures to prove it, so I cant deny any of it.

Donapos;t laugh, but my whole life has been documented very well. From start to finish there are monologues sans-metaphors, videos of dancing/confessions, photo albums over spilling with pictures- and I was always told to write. For sixteen years I have been told to write. Like you were told to make your bed. I learn the importance of crisp sheets in the morning, I learn the lack of importance of other peopleapos;s mothers. Whatapos;s a better phrase to use than "i learn the lack of importance?" When we look in the mirror the whole goddamn thing has always been about us, I will never know what it felt like for you, but that is what it felt like for me.

Dont laugh but I really believed you, I believed everyone. I recorded all of it, dedicated all of it, packed it away in envelopes. I thought about the way Mcdonalds looked in England, the way it felt out of place. You wont believe me, but theyapos;d leave backpacks on the floor all the time, the whole town was always being evacuated. We get stomach aches, call each other and plan our escape, you are always driving ten hours of your car now theyapos;re paying us to do what weapos;ve always done, it never feels right. So tell me that you saw it coming, that it was the shape of my face, the movement of my hands, tell me you knew it from the beginning, donapos;t laugh, but Iapos;ll believe you. Iapos;ll write down everything you have to say.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

educational rules

01. I am your ONLY princess, you will worship no one but me

02. You will leave me a comment daily, this will be you telling me how much of a worthless pig you are

03. You will also comment on my journel entrys everytime I post, as well as reading it daily

04. While serving me you will have a job, if you cant afford my lavish lifestyle then get two

05. You are on my time I am not on your time, so you will do as I say or be punished

06. You will pay me a tribute first to show me how dedicated you are, before you can start serving me

07. You will pay the allowence that is previsouly worked out

08. Nothing matters more then me, I always come first

Break any of my rules and you will be dismissed

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

african book centre london

Iapos;ll be working at Tanah Merah Country Club come this Sat - the 6am-3pm shift. Yes I know Iapos;m crazy. What was I thinking right SIGH. But I need the�money to fund my overseas trips so I guess itapos;s TMCC for me this Sat. Except that I do not know how to get there, I googled the location and itapos;s at Changi Road?? Where the heck is that. Zzz.

Well, Iapos;ve finally stepped down from soccer and Iapos;m thankful for the experience but veryy happy that itapos;s all over. At least I have something less to worry about.

And char being the smarty pants tried to hook me up yesterday�with�bun boy�- M.� MHHHMMMMM.��I told�Juls�and�she�gasped and said��"OMG �SUMEI�No gf for so long, confirm damm horny, you�hurry take advantage of the�situation and jip him" TSK. Why canapos;t people jip me for once and not the other way around.

Heapos;s cute. TEE�HEE.�But�no I donapos;t want.� X)

p.s iapos;m down with some allergy/rash thingy. I think Iapos;m getting the pox. ):


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суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.

epigraphy definition

Song: Silver Circles- Telescope
Quote: Scar tissue that I wish you saw, sarcastic Mr. Knowitall
����������-Red Hot Chili�Peppers�

Maybe Iapos;m a little juxtaposed. Itapos;s hard to explain, but maybe Iapos;ve just realized that I have multiple personality disorder. In other words, Iapos;m very adaptable. I know how to act around certain people, how to play it cool. Myabe itapos;s my talent, maybe itapos;s my vice. Who knows. It it bad to turn on a little bit of charm infront of teachers�and parents to get on their good side? Who knows.

I think that people see me in certain ways, different ways. Iapos;m probably what everyone wants me to be. The perfect daughter, the rebellious partyer, the staright A student, the quiet girl, the loud comedian, the failed actor, the struggling artist, the trustworthy sister, the gossip queen, the girl who plays hard to get. How many stereotypes can I be, can�I afford to be. Geminis are supposed to be this adaptable, but what if wearing all of these different masks makes me forget... Well... me? What happens if I forget what my face looks like after staring into the mirrors of different ones?

Iapos;m probably just overthinking things...surprise surprise. Anyways Iapos;m opening up a new chapter in my life. Something exciting has happened to me. I talked to my parents and my dream for acting is very possibly going to be pursued. My parents have agreed to get me an agent Itapos;s not regular TV or movie acting either...my dream is to become a voice actor. Ever since I watched the show FullMetal Alchemist my hopes about being a voice actor in anime have only grown. Hereapos;s to living our dreams

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